The new and growing demands to keep work centerssafer, cleaner and healthier, has forced us, in recent years, to update ourpurposes to achieve:
Basic cleaning services
Currently, Comercial Elmin offers a wide variety of cleaning services, both for private clients and for public institutions, providing action plans and orientative periodicities, according to the strategic needs of the sector and the individual characteristics of the spaces to be maintained. All services have the quality guarantee offered by the ISO 9001 Standard, in force in the company since 2016 and comply with the sustainable consumption requirements of the ISO 14001 standard
Vigilància de la salut i seguretat laboral
Corporate offices
A well-organized human team supported by the manager or a person in charge of the center , implements a flexible cleaning protocol that sets the work actions and their periodicities based on a study of the work loads and the physical particularities of the building. This work protocol can be adapted to
the physical transformations of the center and to the new technical requirements of the clients. The external supervision assumes the tasks of monitoring the established plan in order to guarantee compliance with the Service Level indicators agreed in the contract and propose possible improvements that reinforce the preventive nature of the proposal.
Sports centers
The complexity to address the maintenance of a sports facility includes from:
A study of time and schedules that does not interfere in the dynamics of use of users, the best proposal of the most suitable cleaning and disinfectant products with bactericidal and fungicidal properties to face with guarantees, - Microbiological controls in critical areas such as pool beaches and areas with high concentration of humidity and heat such as showers and toilets (fungi).,
The introduction of technological innovations that improve the disinfectant effectiveness of the implemented service program, such as the innovative “foam machine”, which disinfects and decalcifies any existing surface in the water areas, especially showers and changing rooms Everything is done, obviously, under the control of a center manager and external supervision that regularly audits the work and provides informative records on the evolution of the center.
Parking lots
It incorporates mechanized work processes typical of large surfaces: floors, pipes, wastebaskets.
Our company offers an integral cleaning of the parking areas of hotels, hospitals and communities of owners.
The standard shopping mall cleaning maintenance approach involves:
From classrooms to toilets (w.c.) and sports areas, all the spaces that make up an educational center are subject to careful cleaning and disinfection planning.
This planning also includes the organization of vacation periods and special summer cleanings.
Fairs and sporting events
The task of guaranteeing the proper maintenance of sports fairs and events is always a major organizational challenge.
The organization of a cleaning maintenance service for a fair and a sports tournament implies:
All of them, are the better example of what a company like ours is capable of doing to make a sports fair or tournament
Cleaning and disinfection
As a result of the appearance of COVID 19, the perspective on cleaning and sanitizing the spaces considered common:
It has change our view on the importance of daily disinfection to ensure a safe, clean and healthy workplace.
The new culture of hygiene, rather connected with environmental sensitivity, has forced the design of new disinfection protocols based on:
The technical discovery of the last decade with the best results, due to its efficiency and maneuverability (the machine is small and portable - it hangs on the shoulders-) has been the nebulizer device that COMERCIAL ELMIN has introduced into the disinfection programs of a large part of your clients:
The product used in the nebulizer is a disinfectant with virucidal, bactericidal and fungicidal properties. Eliminate any trace of pathogenic microorganisms. The diameter of the disinfectant drops that form the "cloud" is adjustable, although it is recommended that it be preferably 10 microns. Its standard performance is an average of 20 'per 1200 m3 of volume of a closed room.
The "nebulized" disinfectant is projected through a flexible tube towards the objects
and / or surfaces to be disinfected.
The optimal operating distance between the projector and the object and / or surface is 2 to 5 meters.
The treatment is, clearly, harmless to the materials (it is not corrosive or leaves any trace).
In 15 'time, all traces of its use have disappeared.
Foam disinfection
One of the other most widely used disinfection procedures, especially for surfaces (the fogging explained above also affects environments) is the one that bases its action on the generation of foam. The foam generator equipment uses a highly concentrated chlorinated detergent that is mixed with water and expels it on the surfaces by means of a gun, activated for this function. This manually directed gun allows you to reach any place
you want to disinfect, from corners to cracks to tile joints, among others. Once the foam has been projected, it is allowed to act for 5-10 minutes in the affected areas and, to finish, it is rinsed with water, activating the "water" mode of the equipment for this purpose, and using the same spray gun This method allows to reap collateral benefits of its application: it keeps the drains clean and without bad odors. It is ideal for sports centers or venues that incorporate showers in their equipment.
Technical services
The long term maintenance of the real estate stock in an urban environment such as the one we know today has always required the intervention of technical versatile companies like ours.
Over the last decade, we have invested all our efforts in meeting the needs that have a huge impact on the life of a building. Therefore, when we face a long period of time, the materials and spaces of the buildings are degraded relentlessly. A timely interventions, you can recover o restore them.
In this sense, Comercial Elmin offers a wide spectrum of special services that can help our clients to extend the useful life of your buildings.
Vigilància de la salut i seguretat laboral
Carpet and textiles (chairs and upholstery)
Of natural, synthetic or acrylic fibers;
with a dry work system or an injection-extraction machine, with neutral products and / or alkaline base,
our company always adapts its knowledge to the particularities that it encounters when facing the order received.
Crystals in height and photovoltaic panels
The company has accredited professionals who work cleaning windows of particular difficulty and height, relying on the use of technical means such as the gondola.
We have also incorporated into the possible services, the preventive cleaning of photovoltaic panels in buildings, both on roofs and on facades.
Soil treatment is one of the special services with the most demand in the market, which includes a greater variety of proposals, depending on the material to be treated:
And according to the state and type of soil:
Anti-graffiti treatment
We offer graffiti removal services on any surface, from natural stones and glass to metal surfaces.
Auxiliary services
Comercial Elmin also has auxiliary services for the supply of consumables:
and can provide:
We are
specialists in the cleaning and maintenance of all types of buildings and spaces,
both public and private.
We offer solutions
adjusted to technological innovations and we prepare
work plans
that include actions, frequencies and audits of the work done.
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Vigilància de la salut i seguretat laboral
Formació continua
Gammes de productes, nivells de PH, usos de químics i codificació de colors de baietes.
Criteris bàsics:
neteja de dalt a baix i de dins a fora i fases seqüencials dels rogrames de neteja i explicació de l'especificitat de cadascuna d'elles segons la tipologia de centre.
Tècniques de neteja mecanitzada:
conceptes elementals de mecànica, usos de químics adaptats a màquines i compliment de rendiments de treball estàndard.
Consum sostenible dels recursos i implantació de pautes de reciclatge de residus integrats en el sistema concebuts i utilitzat pels clients.
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