Human resources

Comercial Elmin as a Special Work Centre bets on people and their growth and personal well-being. For this reason, we have launched our own job integration plan.

The ultimate aim of this project is to promote the necessary support to guarantee the labor integration of people with physical and / or sensory disabilities, by giving them the tools that will allow them to be professionally qualified and, at the same time, focus them emotionally through paid work.

We have also put our organization at the service of a new approach to human resource management based on emotional intelligence as the philosophical background of all our interactions with the company employees.



Join our team!

If you wish to get a job in a human organization like ours, respectful and sensitive with people, send us your main personal information and give us your CV and we´ll consider you in a recruitment personal selection.

Throughout the recruitment process to fill vacancies, we value more the contribution of the attitude in the operational front-line job from where the client interacts, not the skills, which are the result of good training and repetition of routines.

Once contracted, Comercial Elmin provides:


Professional training and psychoemotional rehabilitation

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Continuing training

Basic and specialized professional training

Product ranges, PH levels and chemical uses as well as wipe color coding.

Work processes

Basic criteria:

cleaning from top to bottom and from inside to outside and sequential phases of the cleaning programs and explanation of the specificity of each of them according to the building’s needs.

Mechanized cleaning techniques:

elementary concepts of mechanics, uses of chemicals adapted to machines and compliance with standard work performance.

Environmental practices at work:

Sustainable consumption of the general resources and implementation of waste recycling guidelines integrated into the system used by customers.

Psychoemotional rehabilitation

Attending to the needs of the hired staff, the company regularly organizes sessions where basic instructions and advice are given aimed at strengthening professional and personal self-esteem as well as group cohesion.


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Occupational health and safety surveillance

The protocol sets the following requirements:

  • Medical examinations that declare that the worker capable to start working
  • PRL training and information that enables you to take responsibility for your own safety.
  • Delivery working equipment for ordinary jobs and / or jobs in environments with high bacteriological load.


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Putting the stress on the value of shared information, from users of the center to our operators, with those in charge of the center and with external supervision. Currently, this feedback continues to be the main source of company knowledge.

This value building process is usually completed with the information collected by external audits, executed by the company and validated by the client.

With the audit of the work done, the responsible manager orders and synthesizes the whole data obtained on the strengths and weaknesses of the developed program, and if necessary, transfers the conclusions to a Continuous Improvement work platform, which would result in a new proposal more efficient and innovative service.


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Monitoring of the professional evolution of the workforce

To individually determine the suitability of the job, reinforce positive attitudes, contribute to changing bad habits and, finally, propose changes, if necessary.


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Updating motivational policies

Creating a simple smart incentive system to reward talent, effort and personal responsibility by paying employees extra salaries, without altering, in any case, the social peace of the organization. That is, making the development of individuality compatible with the creation of cohesive social groups.


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A project of RRHH marked by ISO International Quality Standards

It allows Allow actions coming from the Human Resources department developed under the legal umbrella given by ISO 0991 RULE and the environmental derivatives of the ISO 14001 RULE, and drive properly business work initiatives.

These standard rules oblige us to:

  • Unify work methods, by type of center and professional profiles
  • Standardize more sustainable consumption patterns of resources.

We are

specialists in the cleaning and maintenance of all types of buildings and spaces,

both public and private.

We offer solutions

adjusted to technological innovations and we prepare

work plans

that include actions, frequencies and audits of the work done.

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Vigilància de la salut i seguretat laboral

El protocol fixa els següents requisits:

  • Revisions mèdiques que declarin apte al treballador.
  • Formació i informació de PRL que el capaciti per fer-se responsable de la seva pròpia seguretat.
  • Lliurament d'EPIS específics per a llocs de treball i/o serveis en entorns amb una càrrega bacteriològica alta.

Formació continua

Capacitació professional bàsica

Gammes de productes, nivells de PH, usos de químics i codificació de colors de baietes.

Processos de treball

Criteris bàsics:

neteja de dalt a baix i de dins a fora i fases seqüencials dels rogrames de neteja i explicació de l'especificitat de cadascuna d'elles segons la tipologia de centre.

Tècniques de neteja mecanitzada:

conceptes elementals de mecànica, usos de químics adaptats a màquines i compliment de rendiments de treball estàndard.

Pràctiques mediambientals en el treball

Consum sostenible dels recursos i implantació de pautes de reciclatge de residus integrats en el sistema concebuts i utilitzat pels clients.

Rehabilitació psicoemocional

Atenenent les necessitats de la plantilla contractada, l'empresa organitza regularment sessions a on es donen indicacions bàsiques i consells orientats a reforçar l'autoestima professional i personal i la cohesió grupal.

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