We aspire to become your main reference company to maintain and extend the useful life of your buildings, based on a hard-working attitude and commitment.


Our work is characterized by maintaining a global vision of the needs of our clients. We offer organization, the best technology and a capacity for continuous adaptation.


We become a commercial partner of our client that, without betraying our work culture, is aligned as one more piece in its organizational gear.


Human resourcemanagement is our true “core business”. We look for the best job for people; we train, motivate and integrate them. The result is human resources committed to the values ​​of the company, and with full confidence in their own talent to serve customers more and better.

Contact us!

If you want more information or request a budget without any commitment, do not hesitate to contact us by phone or by sending an email to our address, comercial@coelmincet.es


We aspire to become a reference among CET cleaning companies by providing efficient and flexible solutions to new cleaning and disinfection needs with sustainability criteria, and with the labor and social integration of the disabled as the main objective of the management of the human factor.


We assume a sustained growth of the company with a friendly and respectful management of people, which challenges users, customers, suppliers and operators, in an interconnected network of transversal and innovative communication that places Continuous Improvement as the axis of our organization.


We have grown up under the inspiration of ideas such as Corporate Social Responsibility, and with behaviors modeled by the Ethics of a job well done and caring for the Environment

This action is promoted and subsidized by the Departament d'Empresa i Treball and financed by the European Social Fund as part of the European Union's response to the COVID-19 pandemic

We are

specialists in the cleaning and maintenance of all types of buildings and spaces,

both public and private.

We offer solutions

adjusted to technological innovations and we prepare

work plans

that include actions, frequencies and audits of the work done.

© Copyright 2021 Comercial Elmin,S.L. All rights reserved | Web design by Social Pime | Privacy policy and terms of use

Vigilància de la salut i seguretat laboral

El protocol fixa els següents requisits:

  • Revisions mèdiques que declarin apte al treballador.
  • Formació i informació de PRL que el capaciti per fer-se responsable de la seva pròpia seguretat.
  • Lliurament d'EPIS específics per a llocs de treball i/o serveis en entorns amb una càrrega bacteriològica alta.

Formació continua

Capacitació professional bàsica

Gammes de productes, nivells de PH, usos de químics i codificació de colors de baietes.

Processos de treball

Criteris bàsics:

neteja de dalt a baix i de dins a fora i fases seqüencials dels rogrames de neteja i explicació de l'especificitat de cadascuna d'elles segons la tipologia de centre.

Tècniques de neteja mecanitzada:

conceptes elementals de mecànica, usos de químics adaptats a màquines i compliment de rendiments de treball estàndard.

Pràctiques mediambientals en el treball

Consum sostenible dels recursos i implantació de pautes de reciclatge de residus integrats en el sistema concebuts i utilitzat pels clients.

Rehabilitació psicoemocional

Atenenent les necessitats de la plantilla contractada, l'empresa organitza regularment sessions a on es donen indicacions bàsiques i consells orientats a reforçar l'autoestima professional i personal i la cohesió grupal.

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